King’s Cross Voices

An amazing oral history of King's Cross 

King’s Cross Voices

An amazing oral history of King's Cross 

Charles Chilton Thanet School Photo circa 1930King’s Cross is in the throes of a massive redevelopment. It is entering perhaps the most exciting period of its long and turbulent history.

King’s Cross Voices is an amazing oral history project which was created to record and preserve the voices of King’s Cross people before the physical reminders are changed forever. It is the first ever oral history project to document the life and times of King’s Cross.

Between 2004 and 2008, the people of King’s Cross were recorded telling their stories and sharing their memories of life in the area. You can listen to railway workers, police officers, market traders, activists, former sex trade workers, housewives, artists, students, publicans and many more, as they reminisce about growing up, living and working in King’s Cross.

There are accounts of King’s Cross during the Blitz, the Underground fire of ‘87, political protests, as well as memories of everyday life at King’s Cross. The project was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and the London Boroughs of Camden and Islington.

To access King’s Cross Voices in a tablet friendly format click here.